Thank you for coming to our website.  


My vision for County Clerk is clear:  make the office more convenient for you by modernizing it and protect your right to vote.  If you can, please make a donation of any amount.


You have three options:  
1. Credit Card – Click on Amount
2. Venmo – @blakemoreforcountyclerk
3. Check – Payable to “Blakemore for County Clerk”, P.O. Box 6178, Louisville, KY  40206  

Regardless of your payment method, thank you.

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Contributions or gifts to the committee are not tax deductible. We may accept contributions from an individual totaling up to $2,000 for the Primary Election. State law prohibits contributions from corporations; from any person contributing another person's funds; from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status; and from state government contractors. By clicking the "Contribute" button above, you affirm that your contribution is from your personal funds and not from funds otherwise prohibited by law. To comply with state law, we must use best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the name, address, occupation, and employer of individuals and their spouses, when personal contributions exceed $100 per election cycle. Contributions or gifts to committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.